yoola queria consultar ya que al momento de cargar el script en el juego me aparece que la partida esta en pausa con un reloj descontando minutos tal cual sale en la imagen
yoola queria consultar ya que al momento de cargar el script en el juego me aparece que la partida esta en pausa con un reloj descontando minutos tal cual sale en la imagen
I followed all the steps to use the script, but when I activate "RUN.EXE" the game crashes, the only thing I believe is wrong is the version of Windows, since it is not asking for any update, I must have the most recent one and that is why it is not working. Could that be it?
SCRIPT UPDATE: Updated the download thread link, before deleting old files ensure to have a copy of your autolols.ini somewhere so that you're config and keys won't be deleted.
SCRIPT IS WORKING ATM, it will not work if you have modified PC and updated to the latest windows patch.
For those people who updated their windows do not login on the script yet as it won't work. You need to rollback to older windows version, will provide the guide in a bit. A moment ago