Evade: Automatically dodges incoming skill shots without manual input.
Prediction: Tracks enemy movements and makes skill shots easier to hit.
Orbwalker+: Handles last-hitting and attacking while moving with one button.
Target Selector: Selects the most accurate enemy target for team fights.
Combo+: Uses abilities and auto-attacks automatically, fully customizable for each champion.
High-Quality 4K Drawings: Shows minimap movements, attack ranges, hidden zones, and even detects invisible enemies.
Delay Settings: Humanize the script with adjustable delay options.
Activator: Auto-places wards and uses items intelligently.
Anti-Cheat Thamper Bypass: The safest script in the market, perfect for boosting without detection.

Space - Combo Mode: Goes all-in on enemies with spells and auto-attacks.
X - Last Hit Mode: Focuses solely on securing minion last hits.
C - Harass Mode: Attacks enemies and uses some spells while last-hitting.
V - Lane Clear Mode: Pushes the lane and damages minions while waiting for the perfect last hit.
K - Open/Close Evade: Toggles the auto-dodge feature for skill shots.

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