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### Introduction: Mastering Samira in League of Legends

Samira is a unique and high-skill-cap marksman that thrives in the bot lane. Combining ranged poke and melee brawling, she can swiftly transition between long-range attacks and close-range combat. Her ultimate, *Inferno Trigger*, allows her to deal massive AoE damage, making her one of the most explosive AD carries in the game. However, her high skill ceiling means she requires precise positioning, timing, and a deep understanding of her kit to fully capitalize on her strengths.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to master Samira, including her abilities, runes, itemization, combos, and strategies to excel in the bot lane and beyond.


### Samira’s Abilities

Before diving into runes and item builds, understanding Samira’s kit is crucial to unlocking her full potential. Her playstyle revolves around weaving in basic attacks with her abilities to chain combos and keep her *Style* bar charged, which powers her ultimate.

#### **Passive - Daredevil Impulse**
Samira’s passive is the cornerstone of her damage output. It empowers her with the ability to deal bonus damage based on the *Style* score, which stacks up as you land attacks and abilities. Her *Style* meter ranges from E to S, and as you build up more *Style*, her damage increases significantly. Getting to *S* Style also unlocks her ultimate, *Inferno Trigger*, which can wipe out enemy teams in seconds if played correctly.

- **Key Point:** Auto-attacks in melee combat count as *Style* points. Attacks that are in the air or on targets with low health push you toward *S* Style faster.

#### **Q - Flair**
Samira dashes and performs a melee attack that deals physical damage. If she hits a target with *Flair*, it resets the cooldown of her Q and grants a movement speed boost. *Flair* is Samira's primary tool for mobility and damage.

- **Key Point:** Samira can use her Q to quickly dash in and out of fights, repositioning for auto-attacks and using it to dodge incoming abilities.

#### **W - Blade Whirl**
Samira slashes in a circle around her, dealing physical damage and blocking incoming projectiles for a short period. This ability is fantastic for negating damage from enemy abilities, especially in teamfights.

- **Key Point:** *Blade Whirl* is crucial for blocking enemy projectiles (such as Ashe’s *Enchanted Crystal Arrow* or Jhin’s *Deadly Flourish*) and should be used to interrupt key abilities during fights.

#### **E - Wild Rush**
Samira dashes to a target enemy or ally, dealing damage to all nearby enemies upon arrival. This skill has a short cooldown and allows Samira to quickly reposition, chase down enemies, or escape dangerous situations.

- **Key Point:** Samira can use *Wild Rush* aggressively to gap close or disengage when necessary. Combine it with *Flair* for fast movement around the map.

#### **R - Inferno Trigger**
Samira’s ultimate is an explosive AoE damage dealer. She unleashes a barrage of bullets in a cone, dealing damage to all enemies in the area. The damage is significantly increased if Samira is at *S* Style, and she can keep attacking until she runs out of bullets or the target dies.

- **Key Point:** Samira’s ultimate is a game-changer, capable of turning the tide of a teamfight when she’s positioned well. However, you can only use *Inferno Trigger* once you’ve reached *S* Style, so make sure you’re constantly building it up throughout the fight.


### Best Runes for Samira

Samira benefits from runes that increase her damage, mobility, and ability to sustain in fights. Here’s a rune setup that complements her brawler playstyle:

#### **Primary Rune Path: Precision**
- **Keystone: Conqueror**
Conqueror stacks attack damage and provides healing as you deal damage over extended trades. Samira excels in prolonged fights, and Conqueror gives her the sustain to stay alive and keep dealing damage.

- **Triumph**
Triumph restores health on takedowns and grants bonus gold. This rune is invaluable in skirmishes and teamfights, allowing Samira to stay healthy and snowball after kills.

- **Legend: Alacrity**
Legend: Alacrity grants bonus attack speed as you land attacks. Samira thrives on attack speed for both her basic attacks and for procing her *Style* meter quickly.

- **Last Stand**
Last Stand increases your damage when you’re low on health, helping Samira turn the tide of fights when she’s at risk of dying. She’s often in the thick of battle, and this rune provides the burst she needs to secure kills.

#### **Secondary Rune Path: Sorcery**
- **Nimbus Cloak**
After using a summoner spell (like Flash), Samira gains bonus movement speed. This makes her even more slippery and able to engage or escape with ease.

- **Celerity**
Celerity increases movement speed bonuses, making Samira even more mobile and effective at dodging skill shots and outmaneuvering enemies.


### Core Items for Samira

Samira’s build revolves around increasing her attack damage, attack speed, and ability to sustain in fights. Here’s the recommended core build:

#### **Core Items**
- **Immortal Shieldbow**
Immortal Shieldbow is Samira's go-to mythic item, offering lifesteal, attack damage, and a shield that activates when she’s low on health. It allows her to sustain in extended fights and provides the survivability needed to stay alive in skirmishes.

- **Galeforce**
For more mobility, Galeforce can be an alternative mythic item, providing a dash that lets Samira reposition quickly, while also increasing her overall damage output with additional attack damage.

- **The Collector**
This item amplifies Samira’s burst potential, dealing additional damage to low-health enemies. It’s an essential item when you're looking to maximize your execute potential and finish off low-health champions.

#### **Situational Items**
- **Lord Dominik’s Regards**
Lord Dominik’s Regards is perfect against tankier enemies. It provides bonus damage against high-health champions and helps Samira shred through tanks.

- **Guardian Angel**
Guardian Angel is great for late-game teamfights. The passive resurrection allows Samira to play aggressively without worrying about dying and respawning to keep the pressure on enemies.

- **Death’s Dance**
Death’s Dance offers lifesteal, damage reduction, and healing. It provides Samira with extra durability, especially in extended fights.

#### **Boots**
- **Berserker's Greaves**
Berserker's Greaves are usually the go-to boots for Samira, providing attack speed and additional damage.

- **Plated Steelcaps**
If you're facing a lot of AD damage or auto-attack champions, Plated Steelcaps can help mitigate damage and give you more tankiness.

- **Mercury’s Treads**
Mercury’s Treads are useful when you’re facing a lot of CC or magic damage. They give you tenacity and resistance against magic damage, making it easier to fight without being disrupted.


### Samira Combos

Samira excels when players can combo her abilities together for maximum impact. Here are some essential combos to practice:

#### **Basic Combo: Auto-Q-W-E**
- **Auto-Q-W-E**: This is a quick and efficient combo to poke and trade. Start with an auto attack, then immediately follow it up with *Flair* (Q), *Blade Whirl* (W), and *Wild Rush* (E). This combo helps you get in and out of fights, dealing consistent damage while blocking enemy abilities with *Blade Whirl*.

#### **All-In Combo: E-Q-W-R**
- **E-Q-W-R**: Engage with *Wild Rush* (E) to close the gap, then immediately follow up with *Flair* (Q), *Blade Whirl* (W), and finish with *Inferno Trigger* (R) to maximize burst damage.

#### **Flash Combo: E-W-Flash-Q-R**
- **E-W-Flash-Q-R**: Use *Wild Rush* (E) to get close, then immediately *Blade Whirl* (W) to block incoming damage. Flash forward to close the gap, use *Flair* (Q) to reposition, and finish with *Inferno Trigger* (R).


### Laning Phase

During the laning phase, Samira should focus on trading effectively with her enemies while building her *Style* meter:

- **Level 1:** Start with *Flair* (Q) to poke and trade. Play aggressively to harass the enemy bot lane, and use *Blade Whirl* (W) to block enemy abilities.
- **Level 2 Power Spike:** Unlock *Blade Whirl* (W) at level 2 to block enemy poke and projectiles. Look for short trades to stack *Conqueror* and build up *Style*.
- **Level 3 and Beyond:** At level 3, unlock *Wild Rush* (E), which gives you better mobility and the ability to initiate trades more effectively. Look to engage when the enemy oversteps and use your full combo to burst them down.


### Mid and Late Game Strategy

As Samira hits mid to late game, she becomes an unstoppable force in skirmishes and teamfights:

- **Mid-Game:** Samira shines in teamfights with her ability to dive into the backline and execute squishy targets with her ultimate. You should aim to split push and force skirmishes with your team ı love @Kuys

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