There’s meta picks like the ones posted by Sky but tbh in silver, any champ will be viable as not every player in low elo knows how to utilise champ counters effectively. If you know 1 champ well in low elo, he will feel like a meta champ regardless.
Amumu: This sad mummy is a great pick for Silver players due to his easy-to-understand abilities and high impact ultimate. His AoE damage and tankiness, along with a game-changing ultimate, make him a good choice for those learning the jungle role.
Warwick: Warwick is a robust champion, thanks to his self-sustain, straightforward kit, and potent dueling power. His W also offers excellent map control, providing a speed boost when enemies are low on health.
Vi: Vi's ability to lock onto enemy carries and isolate them with her ultimate makes her a strong pick for jungle. She has a good clear speed, strong ganks, and can engage or disengage fights with her Q.
Master Yi: A classic jungle pick, Master Yi is a hyper carry with high damage output and strong clearing speed. His Q allows him to dodge abilities, while his R can help catch enemies or escape. He can snowball hard if he gets ahead but requires good farm and smart engagements.
Xin Zhao: Xin Zhao is a straightforward champion with a simple kit that allows him to gank effectively. He has strong early dueling power, and his ultimate can be used for both initiation and self-peel.