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Guide: How to Play Bruisers in League of Legends


Newbie Navigator
Jul 23, 2023
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Bruisers are versatile champions in League of Legends that combine the qualities of tanks and damage dealers. They have a good balance of survivability and damage output, making them effective in both team fights and skirmishes. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how to play bruisers effectively, including champion selection, laning phase, team fighting, and general strategies.

I. Champion Selection​

  1. Understand Bruiser Archetypes: Bruisers come in different archetypes, such as Juggernauts (e.g., Darius, Garen), Divers (e.g., Camille, Jax), and Skirmishers (e.g., Fiora, Irelia). Each archetype has its unique playstyle and strengths, so choose the one that suits your preferences and the team's composition.
  2. Analyze Team Composition: Before selecting a bruiser, assess your team's composition and identify potential synergies or gaps. Consider factors such as crowd control (CC), damage type (physical or magic), and engage potential.
  3. Counter the Enemy: Pick your bruiser based on the enemy team's composition. Identify champions that your pick can counter effectively, and be mindful of potential hard counters that could hinder your performance.

II. Laning Phase​

  1. Master Farming: Focus on last-hitting minions to secure a gold advantage during the laning phase. Aim to consistently farm and avoid unnecessary aggression that could lead to early deaths.
  2. Manage Lane Positioning: Keep track of your minion wave and maintain proper lane positioning. Avoid pushing the wave too aggressively unless you have a strategic reason to do so, as this could expose you to ganks.
  3. Trading Effectively: Bruisers excel in short trades due to their high base damage and durability. Look for opportunities to trade with the enemy laner, utilizing your abilities and auto-attacks to deal damage and mitigate their retaliation.
  4. Warding and Map Awareness: Place wards in key areas to spot potential ganks and inform your team of the enemy jungler's position. Pay attention to the minimap to respond to plays across the map and coordinate with your team.

III. Mid to Late Game​

  1. Split Pushing: Many bruisers are excellent split pushers, capable of pressuring side lanes and drawing enemies away from important objectives. Communicate with your team before split pushing and be prepared to back off if the enemy team collapses on you.
  2. Objective Control: Use your bruiser's durability to engage in fights around key objectives like Dragon, Baron Nashor, and towers. Coordinate with your team to secure these objectives and gain an advantage.
  3. Team Fighting: In team fights, your role as a bruiser is to dive into the enemy backline or peel for your carries, depending on your champion's strengths and the situation. Prioritize high-value targets and disrupt the enemy formation to create opportunities for your team.
  4. Itemization: Build items that complement your bruiser's strengths and adapt to the enemy team's composition. Items like Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, and Guardian Angel are often core choices for many bruisers.

IV. General Strategies​

  1. Communication: League of Legends is a team-oriented game, so effective communication with your team is crucial. Use pings and chat to coordinate plays, objectives, and rotations.
  2. Know Your Limits: Understand your bruiser's power spikes and limits in different stages of the game. Overextending or taking unnecessary risks can lead to deaths and setbacks for your team.
  3. Stay Positive: League of Legends can be a challenging and emotional game. Stay positive and avoid tilting or blaming teammates. A positive attitude can improve team morale and increase your chances of winning.
  4. Constant Improvement: Review your games and seek opportunities for improvement. Analyze your mistakes and learn from them, and consider seeking advice from higher-ranked players or coaches.


Playing bruisers in League of Legends requires a mix of strategic thinking, mechanical skill, and teamwork. By understanding your champion's strengths, adapting your playstyle to different situations, and collaborating effectively with your team, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield and lead your team to victory.

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