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Newbie Navigator
Nov 13, 2024
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1. Champion Overview

Jinx is a hyper-carry AD carry champion with high scaling damage, especially in the late game. She excels in dishing out tons of DPS (damage per second) with her auto-attacks and has the ability to secure kills and assists through her passive, Get Excited!, which grants her a speed boost after a takedown.


  • High damage output with basic attacks and abilities
  • Excels in team fights
  • Long-range poke and AoE damage with her Q (Switcheroo!)

  • Squishy and immobile without her passive
  • Requires positioning and good kiting skills
  • Vulnerable to assassins and burst damage

2. Runes

Jinx’s runes focus on maximizing her damage output, especially in the late game. Here’s a commonly used setup:

Primary Path: Precision

  • Lethal Tempo – Increases attack speed after attacking a champion, making her a late-game monster with rapid attack speed.
  • Triumph – Heals Jinx upon kills/assists, helping her survive in close fights.
  • Legend: Bloodline – Grants lifesteal for sustain, which is important as she lacks natural healing.
  • Coup de Grace – Increases damage to low-health enemies, making it easier to secure kills.

Secondary Path: Domination

  • Taste of Blood – Provides additional healing when poking in the lane.
  • Treasure Hunter – Grants bonus gold on takedowns, which can help Jinx scale faster.
Stat Runes:

  • Attack Speed
  • Adaptive Force
  • Armor (or Magic Resist if facing a poke-heavy support)

3. Summoner Spells

  • Flash – Essential for escaping or repositioning in fights.
  • Heal – Provides sustain and can save you or your support in clutch moments.

4. Abilities

Here’s a quick rundown of how Jinx’s abilities work and some tips on using them effectively.

Passive – Get Excited!

  • Jinx gains a movement speed and attack speed boost whenever she helps in a takedown. Use this to reposition and chase down enemies after getting a kill or assist.

Q – Switcheroo!

  • Pow-Pow, the Minigun: Faster attack speed with each consecutive hit, ideal for single-target DPS.
  • Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher: Grants extended range and deals splash damage, useful for poking and team fights.

W – Zap!

  • Fires a long-range zap that deals damage and slows the first enemy hit. Use this to poke or finish off low-health enemies from a distance.

E – Flame Chompers!

  • Jinx tosses three traps that root enemies on contact. They’re great for zoning, trapping, and setting up kills.

R – Super Mega Death Rocket!

  • Fires a global rocket that deals more damage based on the target's missing health. Use this to finish off distant enemies or secure objectives from afar.

5. Ability Leveling Order

Max Order: R > Q > W > E

  • Q (Switcheroo!) should be maxed first for higher attack speed and poke.
  • W (Zap!) is maxed second for burst damage and to poke in the mid-game.
  • E (Flame Chompers!) is maxed last since it’s primarily used for utility and crowd control.

6. Item Build

Starting Items

  • Doran's Blade – Provides extra health and attack damage for easier last-hitting and sustain.
  • Health Potions

Core Items

  1. Kraken Slayer – Excellent for high DPS and melting through tanks.
  2. Phantom Dancer – Boosts attack speed and provides a shield for survivability in fights.
  3. Infinity Edge – Increases critical strike damage and pairs well with Kraken Slayer for massive DPS.

Situational Items

  • Bloodthirster – Lifesteal and a shield for more survivability.
  • Lord Dominik's Regards – Great for shredding tanks.
  • Guardian Angel – Offers a second life if you’re being focused.
  • Mortal Reminder – Useful against teams with heavy healing.

Full Build Example

  1. Kraken Slayer
  2. Berserker’s Greaves
  3. Phantom Dancer
  4. Infinity Edge
  5. Bloodthirster
  6. Guardian Angel or Lord Dominik's Regards

7. Laning Phase Tips

  • Use Fishbones (Rocket Launcher) to poke the enemy ADC and support, especially when they’re grouped with minions.
  • Stay behind minions to avoid taking poke from the enemy.
  • Zap! (W) can be a great tool to poke and secure minions you can’t reach safely.
  • Positioning is key – stay at a safe distance, use your range to poke, and avoid unnecessary trades early on.

8. Team Fights

  • Stay in the backline and let your frontline absorb the enemy's abilities.
  • Use Fishbones for AoE damage, especially when enemies are clumped together.
  • Focus on safe targets – Jinx is a DPS champion, so taking down tanks or bruisers is effective.
  • Look for resets – Once you secure a takedown, use the speed boost from Get Excited! to reposition, kite, or chase down other targets.

9. General Tips

  • Zap! (W) is an excellent follow-up if your support lands CC, like a stun or root.
  • Be aware of the map – Jinx’s R can execute low-health enemies globally. Look for opportunities to secure kills from afar.
  • Positioning is everything with Jinx; without escape abilities, she needs to rely on good positioning and her team to keep her safe.
  • Practice last-hitting with both Pow-Pow and Fishbones for efficient farming.

Good luck, and remember to have fun with Jinx’s chaotic style! Let me know if you’d like more details on any specific part.

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