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The Iron Lady - Rell (Patch 14.23)


Newbie Navigator
Dec 2, 2024
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The update aims to enhance the effect of counterplays from opponents, making the champion's mechanics more understandable and more balanced in the overall context. The goal is to reduce crowd control in general and allow players who can balance Rell's abilities with Tenacity (crowd control reduction) to gain an advantage. Additionally, Riot wants Rell’s kit to be easier to play and for her experience to be more fun, especially for new players, by making her abilities more comprehensible.

Main Changes:

Adjustments to Base Attributes:

  • Armor: Reduction in base armor and its growth, which may decrease Rell’s resistance throughout the game.
  • MR (Magic Resistance): Reduction in the initial value and growth, making the champion more susceptible to magic damage.
  • Mana: Decrease in the initial mana value and growth, which may affect Rell's sustainability in longer fights.
  • Mana Regeneration: Increased mana regeneration, compensating for the initial reduction and making her more efficient over time.
  • Movement Speed: Reduction in base movement speed, which may affect her mobility. However, this is balanced with her mounted form.
  • Attack Speed: Increased attack speed growth, which improves Rell’s effectiveness in battle when mounted.
  • Attack Animation: The attack animation has been improved, which may increase the fluidity of her gameplay.
Passive – A Ferro e Fogo (New Damage Mechanism):
Now, her passive deals 5% of Rell’s total armor and magic resistance as magic damage on contact. This allows her to deal more damage, especially if she has high physical and magic resistance.

Q – Golpe Estilhaçador (Shatter Strike):
The stun duration was reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.65 seconds, which slightly lessens the ability's impact. However, it remains effective for quickly disabling opponents.

W – Ferromante (Modifications to Both Forms):

  • Without Mount: Rell gains increased resistance (armor/MR) and a decrease in her attack speed, offering her more durability but slightly less damage output.
  • With Mount: The movement speed with the mount has been adjusted according to skill level, allowing Rell to move faster but without the same level of resistance as in her unmounted form.
E – Aposta Total (Absolute Charge):
The movement speed mechanic has been improved to be more precise and effective. It now applies a constant speed boost instead of gradually increasing speed over 2 seconds. The damage has also been adjusted based on the target's maximum health, making it more effective against champions with more health. Additionally, the initial and maximum movement speed towards enemies has been slightly increased, helping Rell close the gap to her targets more quickly.

Design Goals:

  • Increase Interactivity: The update aims to provide opponents with more ways to react to Rell's abilities. Riot hopes that by reducing crowd control and enhancing interaction with Tenacity items, players will feel more empowered to counter the champion.
  • Ease of Use: The changes to her abilities are intended to make Rell easier to play, especially for newer players, without compromising her identity as a crowd control champion.
  • Fun and Balance: The goal is to make Rell more engaging and interactive for players, while improving her effectiveness throughout different stages of the game, with enhancements to her damage and movement mechanics.

    (If there is any misinterpretation, it is because I do not speak English, I am Brazilian)


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