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Best champion to use for LOL Script?

Katarina's a really good choice.

Why? First off, she doesn't have any skill shots. That means a script wouldn't have to worry about lining up any tricky shots, it could just go all in.

Second, her abilities reset every time she gets a kill or assist. So if the script is controlling her, it could take advantage of this and just chain together a bunch of kills one after the other.

Third, Katarina's really good at roaming and getting kills in other lanes. In which case the script could look at stuff like how much health the enemy has, where they are, and whether their abilities are on cooldown to decide the perfect time to strike.

Her Shunpo (E) gives her a ton of mobility because she can teleport to other units. This means a script could use this to make some sick plays, escape from a fight, or dodge enemy abilities.

(I did some research into this. :p)
Ezreal is pretty fun, Katarina, Jinx

Almost any ADC really.
Second this ,nearly all adcs are strong but Jinx and ezreal are just really smooth to work with. twitch and sivir are also recommended,

Yasuo is insane in V1 script

I personally don't vibe with the katarina but thats purely because i've mained her for like 10 years and took her into master tier, however when i have used her i can see why people like it.

Ahri was getting some really good shots off throughout the game i was playing, xerath also!

Karthus is a force aswell
Karthus runs through mana to quickly for me to abuse and have fun. That is only personal preference though.
I would probally say Zeri since once u get the ult stack rolling (which u do super easy i might add) u can just perma kite anyone!

Extra points for a yummi support on u
I would probally say Zeri since once u get the ult stack rolling (which u do super easy i might add) u can just perma kite anyone!

Extra points for a yummi support on u
all range champs are fun to use with the script :D
Second this ,nearly all adcs are strong but Jinx and ezreal are just really smooth to work with. twitch and sivir are also recommended,

Yasuo is insane in V1 script

I personally don't vibe with the katarina but thats purely because i've mained her for like 10 years and took her into master tier, however when i have used her i can see why people like it.

Ahri was getting some really good shots off throughout the game i was playing, xerath also!

Karthus is a force aswell
ive never lost a 1v1 with yas or any adc, the script is simply amazing but especially with good champs
Katarina's a really good choice.

Why? First off, she doesn't have any skill shots. That means a script wouldn't have to worry about lining up any tricky shots, it could just go all in.

Second, her abilities reset every time she gets a kill or assist. So if the script is controlling her, it could take advantage of this and just chain together a bunch of kills one after the other.

Third, Katarina's really good at roaming and getting kills in other lanes. In which case the script could look at stuff like how much health the enemy has, where they are, and whether their abilities are on cooldown to decide the perfect time to strike.

Her Shunpo (E) gives her a ton of mobility because she can teleport to other units. This means a script could use this to make some sick plays, escape from a fight, or dodge enemy abilities.

(I did some research into this. :p)
hello sky :D
I play neeko alot and is fun ..... Also Victor is fun to play. What are best for adc and soport from experiance :)
Comment what you think is the best champion to use when scripting and explain why.
I believe yasuo would be the best, that is if he can use his abilities in an ideal manner, evade will be top tier
yasuo bc of his combo

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