Master Yi is a fast-paced, high-damage champion in League of Legends, known for his ability to carry games with quick mobility, strong dueling, and split-pushing potential. Here’s a guide to mastering Yi:
Early Game (Jungle)
If you’ve got a specific situation or role you’re playing Yi in (like top lane or jungle), let me know and I can tailor some more specific advice!
1. Understanding Master Yi’s Abilities
- Passive - Double Strike: Master Yi’s basic attacks deal bonus damage every other attack. This allows him to deal substantial damage over time, especially in the mid-late game.
- Q - Alpha Strike: Master Yi strikes enemies around him with a targeted attack that deals damage to multiple enemies. It also resets its cooldown on a kill or assist, which allows him to chain attacks quickly.
- W - Meditate: Master Yi channels and heals for a percentage of his max health over several seconds. This makes him very tanky during fights and great for sustaining while split-pushing.
- E - Wuju Style: Passive increases his attack speed, while active boosts his damage output for a few seconds. Use this during combat for enhanced DPS (damage per second).
- R - Highlander: Master Yi becomes immune to crowd control and gains bonus movement speed after getting a kill or assist, allowing him to continue to snowball in fights. His cooldown resets with each kill, meaning that if you continue to get eliminations, you can chain it endlessly.
2. Master Yi’s Role & Playstyle
Master Yi excels in the jungle but can also be played in the top lane (as a split-pusher). His key strength is taking down squishy targets quickly, especially with his reset mechanic from his R (Highlander). Master Yi is often picked for his late-game scaling, where his damage and ability to clean up team fights becomes overwhelming.Early Game (Jungle)
- Focus on farming to build up your core items and get to the mid-game where Master Yi becomes a powerhouse.
- Clear camps efficiently with Alpha Strike (Q) and Wuju Style (E). Be mindful of using Meditate (W) to stay healthy.
- Look for early ganks, but avoid aggressive fights unless you’re sure you can secure kills. Master Yi is squishy early, so be cautious.
- Take objectives: Dragon, Rift Herald, and the early Baron are crucial for scaling. Use your mobility to secure these.
- Once you hit level 6, you can start looking for picks with Highlander (R), as it resets on kills. If you're ahead, it’s easy to get a snowballing lead.
- Look for team fights where you can dive onto the backline. Use your Q to jump from target to target, your R to reset, and your W to stay healthy.
- Split-push effectively with your strong dueling potential, but be mindful of enemy threats.
- Use Meditate (W) to tank turret shots or survive long enough to take out key objectives like the Nexus.
3. Master Yi Builds
Core Items:- Kraken Slayer (or Galeforce for more mobility): Kraken gives you sustain and damage, while Galeforce offers more kite potential.
- Guinsoo's Rageblade: Increases your damage and synergy with your passive, allowing your auto-attacks to become even more potent.
- Blade of the Ruined King: Gives lifesteal and works well against tanky enemies.
- Wit's End: Great if you need MR and more damage.
- Sterak's Gage: If you need durability to survive in the late game team fights.
- Guardian Angel: Gives you a second life and allows you to be even more aggressive.
- Berserker's Greaves: For attack speed and more damage.
- Mercury's Treads: For MR and tenacity if facing lots of crowd control.
- Plated Steelcaps: For additional armor against AD-heavy compositions.
4. Master Yi’s Combos
- Q + E + Auto Attacks: The core combo. Use Alpha Strike (Q) to engage, activate Wuju Style (E) to boost attack speed, and follow up with basic attacks.
- R + E + Q: After using Highlander (R) to engage, you’ll have increased movement speed, allowing you to use Alpha Strike (Q) and Wuju Style (E) to burst down enemies quickly.
- W + Q: If you’re about to take a lot of damage, you can use Meditate (W) and Q through the enemy to deal some damage while healing.
5. Tips for Playing Master Yi
- Patience is key: Master Yi can look like an easy champion, but proper positioning and patience are crucial. Engage after key cooldowns like CC are used.
- Farm well: Master Yi is heavily reliant on items, so you want to focus on good jungle clears, maximizing your farm.
- Timing is critical: Master Yi thrives in skirmishes, not head-to-head fights. Use your Q and R to pick off squishier targets, then reset your R to keep going.
If you’ve got a specific situation or role you’re playing Yi in (like top lane or jungle), let me know and I can tailor some more specific advice!