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My knowledge on master yi and how to master it!


Newbie Navigator
Oct 23, 2024
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1. Understanding Master Yi's Abilities

  • Passive: Double Strike
    Every few basic attacks, Yi strikes twice on his next attack. This significantly boosts his damage, especially with on-hit effects.
  • Q: Alpha Strike
    Yi becomes untargetable and dashes to up to 4 enemies, dealing damage. It can critically strike, applying on-hit effects, and is excellent for dodging key abilities or closing gaps.
  • W: Meditate
    Yi channels, healing himself over a short duration and reducing incoming damage. This ability is best used for healing up after a fight or mitigating burst damage.
  • E: Wuju Style
    Passive: Yi gains bonus true damage on hit.
    Active: For a few seconds, Yi deals bonus true damage on every basic attack. This is crucial for shredding through tanks or carries alike.
  • R: Highlander
    Yi gains increased movement speed, attack speed, and becomes immune to slows. If Yi scores a kill or assist while Highlander is active, the cooldowns of his abilities are partially refreshed. This is his signature ability for engaging, chasing down enemies, or escaping.

2. Summoner Spells

  • Smite: Mandatory for jungling.
  • Flash: Provides utility for positioning and escaping.
Alternatively, Ghost can be considered if you prefer more mobility over precise repositioning.

3. Runes

Primary Rune: Precision

  • Keystone: Lethal Tempo – Provides attack speed that lets Yi unleash his DPS potential in extended fights.
  • Triumph – Restores health and gives bonus gold on kills/assists, helping you survive team fights.
  • Legend: Alacrity – Increases attack speed, essential for Yi.
  • Coup de Grace – Increases damage against low-health targets, synergizing well with Yi’s clean-up playstyle.

Secondary Rune: Domination

  • Sudden Impact – Grants lethality and magic penetration after using Q (Alpha Strike).
  • Ravenous Hunter – Provides healing from your abilities' damage, giving you more sustain.
Rune Shards:
  • Attack speed
  • Adaptive damage
  • Armor or Magic Resist (depending on enemy team comp)

4. Item Build

Starting Items:​

  • Hailblade (Blue Smite)
  • Refillable Potion

Core Build:​

  1. Kraken Slayer – Provides attack speed, crit chance, and true damage on every third hit.
  2. Guinsoo’s Rageblade – Converts crit chance into on-hit damage, enhancing Master Yi's DPS output.
  3. Blade of the Ruined King – Adds life steal, attack speed, and % HP shred, making it effective against tanky targets.

Situational Items:​

  • Wit's End – Provides magic resist, attack speed, and on-hit magic damage.
  • Death’s Dance – Grants damage mitigation, healing, and extra survivability.
  • Guardian Angel – Gives a second chance with its revive passive.
  • Serylda’s Grudge – For armor penetration and slowing enemies with basic attacks.
  • Spirit Visage – If the enemy team has heavy magic damage, this boosts healing from W and life steal.

5. Jungle Pathing

Early Jungle Route:​

  • Start Red Buff with leash.
  • Proceed to Raptors.
  • Take Wolves.
  • Clear Blue Buff.
  • Go to Gromp.
  • Finally, look to gank a nearby lane or take Scuttle.


  • Focus on securing dragons and Rift Herald.
  • Look for opportunities to invade the enemy jungle and take camps if they are out of position.

6. Gameplay Strategy

Early Game:​

  • Play conservatively and focus on farming your jungle camps efficiently.
  • Look for opportunities to gank overextended lanes, but don't force it.
  • You are weak in the early game, so avoid risky fights unless you have a clear advantage.


  • Once you have your core items, start looking for team fights or isolated targets to pick off.
  • Use Q (Alpha Strike) to dodge key enemy abilities or gap-close to vulnerable targets.
  • With R (Highlander) active, you can chase down enemies or retreat quickly.

Late Game:​

  • Focus on split pushing when safe, as Master Yi can take down turrets quickly.
  • In team fights, wait for enemies to use their key crowd control abilities before engaging.
  • Look to clean up fights with R and snowball from kills, resetting your cooldowns.

7. Tips and Tricks

  • Alpha Strike Dodging: You can time Q to dodge crowd control or major abilities like Malphite’s ultimate or Syndra’s stun.
  • W Timing: Use W (Meditate) not only to heal but also to reduce burst damage. For example, if you’re about to take a heavy skillshot, channel W briefly to mitigate the damage.
  • Split Push: Master Yi is one of the best split pushers. Use your movement speed and attack speed to pressure side lanes, forcing the enemy team to respond.
  • Clean-Up Potential: Don’t initiate fights. Let your team start, then dive in when enemies are low on cooldowns or health, using R and Q to finish them off and reset your abilities.
  • Attack Speed Cap: With R active and items like Kraken Slayer, you can quickly reach the attack speed cap, maximizing your DPS.

8. Counters and Matchups

Weak Against:​

  • Champions with hard crowd control (e.g., Malzahar, Lissandra, Jax).
  • Tanks with strong dueling potential and high burst (e.g., Malphite, Rammus).

Strong Against:​

  • Squishy champions or immobile mages (e.g., Jinx, Vayne, Lux).
  • Low-CC compositions.

Hope u learned enough

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