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Nillah full guide lol


Newbie Navigator
Jan 1, 2025
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Nilah is a unique AD Carry champion in League of Legends, blending aggressive melee combat with high mobility and sustain. Known for her strong laning phase and explosive teamfight presence, Nilah thrives on snowballing her lead and punishing enemies who misstep. As a champion who benefits from proximity to her teammates and works best in cooperative engagements, Nilah requires a good sense of timing and positioning. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to play Nilah effectively:

Nilah Overview

  • Role: AD Carry (Bot Lane)
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Primary Damage Type: Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)
  • Mobility: High (Can dash and reposition quickly)
  • Primary Strengths:
    • Strong duelist, especially when paired with a supportive team.
    • Excellent sustain in lane through Vital and Lifesteal mechanics.
    • High mobility with strong engage and disengage potential.
    • Scales well into the late game with strong AoE and burst damage.

Abilities Breakdown

  1. Passive - Joy Unbound
    • Effect: Nilah's basic attacks deal bonus physical damage and grant bonus attack speed for a short time. Additionally, Nilah’s heals and shields are more effective the closer she is to her allies.
    • Strategy: This passive rewards aggressive play, especially when diving in or engaging with your team. Joy Unbound also allows you to sustain through trades and helps you kite in skirmishes. Use it to heal up quickly in fights or when poking from a safe distance.
  2. Q - Formless Blade
    • Effect: Nilah swings her weapon in an arc, dealing damage to enemies in her path. It also allows Nilah to dash forward and gain bonus attack speed for a short duration.
    • Strategy: This ability is Nilah’s primary damage tool. Use it to poke enemies in lane and for damage during fights. The bonus attack speed helps you ramp up your damage output in skirmishes and teamfights. You can also use it to reposition quickly or gap-close on enemies, making it versatile for both offense and defense.
  3. W - Slipstream
    • Effect: Nilah dashes a short distance, passing through enemy champions and dealing damage to them. If she passes through an ally, Nilah gains a shield based on the number of champions hit.
    • Strategy: Slipstream is great for dodging skill shots or repositioning during fights. The ability to dash through allies for a shield makes Nilah a solid pick for engaging or peeling for teammates. This ability allows for sustained mobility, which is essential for surviving skirmishes or chasing down enemies.
  4. E - Unbound Chaos
    • Effect: Nilah enhances her next basic attack, dealing bonus damage and healing herself. This ability can be used immediately after an auto-attack or in combination with her Q for quick bursts of damage.
    • Strategy: Unbound Chaos deals heavy burst damage and provides healing. Use it to trade effectively in lane or execute low-health enemies in skirmishes. You should always keep an eye on your cooldowns and look for the right moments to use it, particularly when you have a good opportunity to heal or finish off an enemy.
  5. R - Lifebinder
    • Effect: Nilah creates a wave of energy that passes through enemies, dealing damage and healing herself and nearby allies based on the number of targets hit. It can also temporarily grant bonus attack speed.
    • Strategy: Lifebinder is Nilah's game-changing ultimate. It's perfect for turning teamfights in your favor, offering both healing and burst damage. When used correctly, it can heal your entire team while also damaging the enemies, giving your team a major advantage. Make sure to position yourself well in fights to maximize the number of enemies hit, and ensure your allies are within range to benefit from the healing.


Primary: Precision

  1. Keystone: Conqueror
    • Why: Nilah benefits from extended fights, as her abilities and auto-attacks stack Conqueror quickly. This keystone gives her healing and bonus damage, allowing her to dive in and sustain through skirmishes.
  2. Triumph
    • Why: Nilah often finds herself diving into the middle of fights. Triumph provides sustain by healing you for a portion of your missing health after takedowns, which helps keep you alive in the chaos of teamfights.
  3. Legend: Alacrity
    • Why: Nilah has a naturally high attack speed, and Legend: Alacrity further boosts it, allowing her to deal more damage, especially in extended teamfights.
  4. Coup de Grace
    • Why: Nilah can quickly burst down squishy targets. Coup de Grace increases your damage to low-health enemies, which is useful for securing kills after engaging or during teamfights.

Secondary: Sorcery

  1. Manaflow Band
    • Why: Nilah relies on spamming her abilities, particularly Q and W. Manaflow Band provides extra mana sustain, allowing her to poke and engage more frequently in the laning phase.
  2. Gathering Storm
    • Why: Nilah scales well into the late game. Gathering Storm increases your AP, giving you more damage and sustain in longer games, which is where Nilah excels.

Stat Shards:​

  • Attack Speed: To help Nilah stack Conqueror and deal more damage with her basic attacks.
  • Adaptive Force: Bonus AD for more damage output.
  • Armor or Magic Resist: Depending on the enemy's damage type, choose the appropriate defensive shard.

Item Build

Core Items:

  1. Kraken Slayer
    • Why: Kraken Slayer is Nilah's go-to Mythic item. It provides bonus attack speed, attack damage, and an on-hit burn effect, which synergizes well with her high attack speed and her reliance on basic attacks.
  2. Immortal Shieldbow
    • Why: Immortal Shieldbow offers more sustain and protection, granting life steal and a shield when you take damage. This is especially useful if you're facing high burst damage opponents or need more survivability.
  3. Navori Quickblades
    • Why: Navori Quickblades grants critical strike and reduces cooldowns on your abilities. Nilah benefits greatly from the additional damage and the ability to use her abilities more often in fights.
  4. The Collector
    • Why: The Collector offers more AD, critical strike chance, and the passive execute that deals bonus damage to low-health enemies. It also gives you more snowball potential, allowing you to finish off weak enemies and get even stronger.

Situational Items:

  1. Galeforce
    • Why: If you need more mobility, Galeforce is an excellent pick. The active dash lets you reposition quickly, while the bonus damage helps you burst down enemies. This is a great item if you need more mobility in skirmishes.
  2. Lord Dominik's Regards
    • Why: If you're against tanks or champions with high health, Lord Dominik's Regards helps you deal more damage to them by reducing their armor and providing bonus attack damage.
  3. Death's Dance
    • Why: Death's Dance gives you life steal and provides a safety net through its healing mechanic. This is a great pick if you need more sustain in extended fights or want to mitigate incoming damage.
  4. Guardian Angel
    • Why: If you're in a situation where you need more survivability, Guardian Angel is an excellent late-game item. The passive resurrection effect can be game-changing in crucial teamfights.

Laning Phase

  • Farm and Poke: Nilah’s lane phase is focused on building up Conqueror stacks and scaling through Q and E. Q can be used for both last-hitting and poking, while E is good for harassing the enemy laner and healing up.
  • Leverage Passive Healing: Nilah’s Passive provides healing from attack damage and abilities. Position yourself near allies or minions to maximize the healing from trades and fights.
  • Positioning is Key: Nilah doesn’t have hard CC, and she’s relatively squishy early on. Use Slipstream (W) to dodge skill shots or reposition during fights.
  • Aggressive Trades: Don’t hesitate to trade aggressively, especially when Q and E are up. Nilah’s sustain makes her strong in 1v1 duels and extended fights.

Mid-Game / Teamfights

  • Use Lifebinder Strategically: Lifebinder is your ultimate tool for turning teamfights. When it lands on multiple enemies and allies, it provides significant healing and bonus attack speed. Aim to hit the maximum number of targets to amplify the healing and damage.
  • Dive into the Fray: Nilah excels in close-range teamfights. Once you've engaged with W or Q, try to get up close to the enemy and maximize your damage

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