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Sona Full Guide

kale gazda

Newbie Navigator
Jan 25, 2025
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Sona is a popular support champion in League of Legends, known for her ability to heal allies, provide utility with crowd control, and buff the team’s damage output. Here's a comprehensive guide to playing Sona effectively.

Sona's Abilities Breakdown

  1. Passive - Power Chord:
    • After casting 3 basic abilities, Sona’s next basic attack becomes empowered.
      • Hymn of Valor (Q): Deals damage.
      • Aria of Perseverance (W): Heals nearby allies.
      • Song of Celerity (E): Grants movement speed.
    • Power Chord’s effects depend on which ability was last cast.
  2. Q - Hymn of Valor:
    • Deals magic damage to the first two enemies it hits, with bonus damage.
    • Power Chord (Q) deals additional damage to enemies hit by basic attacks.
  3. W - Aria of Perseverance:
    • Heals Sona and nearby allies, with a bonus effect on herself.
    • Power Chord (W) heals a target ally or Sona for additional health.
  4. E - Song of Celerity:
    • Grants movement speed to Sona and nearby allies for a short period.
    • Power Chord (E) increases movement speed for a longer duration.
  5. R - Crescendo:
    • Sona’s ultimate ability. It deals damage and stuns all enemies in a target area, ideal for team fights or setting up kills.
    • Use this to initiate fights or counter engage on enemies with limited mobility.


  1. Primary Path: Sorcery
    • Arcane Comet: Excellent poke damage when using Q.
    • Manaflow Band: Helps with mana sustain during the laning phase.
    • Transcendence: Provides cooldown reduction, which is crucial for a support like Sona who relies on abilities.
    • Gathering Storm: Gives more damage as the game progresses (perfect for late-game scaling).
  2. Secondary Path: Inspiration
    • Biscuit Delivery: Helps with sustain during the laning phase.
    • Cosmic Insight: Reduces cooldowns on items and summoner spells, which is very beneficial for Sona.

Item Build

  1. Core Items:
    • Moonstone Renewer: Great for healing and boosting the team's sustain in fights.
    • Redemption: Provides global healing and great utility in team fights.
    • Ardent Censer: Boosts the attack speed and damage of allies that Sona heals, great synergy with ADCs.
    • Mikael's Blessing: Removes crowd control and keeps your carries alive.
  2. Situational Items:
    • Zhonya's Hourglass: Gives survivability and a great active to avoid danger.
    • Locket of the Iron Solari: Provides a shield for your team, ideal when facing heavy burst damage.
    • Shurelya's Battlesong: Grants more movement speed to your team, enabling aggressive plays.

Gameplay Tips

  1. Laning Phase:
    • Focus on using Q for poke and W to heal when your ADC takes damage.
    • Utilize E for movement speed to both engage and disengage.
    • Make sure to always position yourself in a way that you can peel for your ADC if they get engaged on.
    • Don't hesitate to roam if your ADC is in a good position and you have your R ready for potential plays elsewhere.
  2. Mid/Late Game:
    • Use Crescendo (R) wisely! It’s a game-changing ability, so make sure to hit as many enemies as possible.
    • Prioritize healing your team with W and keep your E up for peeling or engaging.
    • Stay aware of enemy threats and try to keep your E up to provide movement speed to your allies when they need it.
    • If you can, position yourself behind your team to ensure you are safe while providing maximum utility.

Positioning and Tips for Teamfights

  • Stay in the backline: Sona is squishy and can be easily burst if caught, so positioning is critical. Stay near your team and keep a safe distance from the frontline.
  • Use your Ultimate for zoning or initiating: Sona’s ultimate is powerful but requires good positioning. It’s great for starting fights, zoning, or stopping engages from the enemy team.
  • Use Power Chord wisely: Always look to use Power Chord in conjunction with your ability to maximize its effectiveness. For example, if you’ve just used your Q, follow up with a Power Chord (Q) for extra damage.


  • Strengths: Strong healing, utility, and teamfight presence. Can impact the game significantly with her ultimate.
  • Weaknesses: Low mobility, squishy, vulnerable to aggressive champions or all-ins.
  • Best Team Composition: Works well with ADCs that scale into the late game, such as those that benefit from attack speed and healing (e.g., Kai’Sa, Jhin, or Ezreal).

When played well, Sona can be an incredible asset to your team with her utility and healing, helping turn the tide in team fights and providing consistent support throughout the game.

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