Your threads were deleted due to spam, as they had the same questions and were very overused. Please check other areas of the forum.
Thanks, but you do need to post 3 legitimate threads to claim a free trial key for the script. Make sure these threads are not overly used questions or script-related. Your first one can start by following the guide about introductions: and then post it in We also advise you to set a profile picture and banner as well.
Foruma en az üç meşru konu göndermeniz gerekir ve bunlar aşırı kullanılmış sorular veya komut dosyası ile ilgili olamaz. İlki, tanıtımlarla ilgili kılavuzu takip ederek başlayabilir: ve ardından'da yayınlayın. Ayrıca bir profil resmi ve banner ayarlamanızı da tavsiye ederiz.
Not sure if you're asking for a free trial or not.
Two more threads are needed to be legitimate, not script-related, or overused questions. Introductions were great, thanks.