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Which Are the Best Jungle Champions in League of Legends?


Newbie Navigator
Sep 13, 2024
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The Jungle role in League of Legends is one of the most strategic and game-changing positions. The jungler not only controls objectives like dragons and rift heralds but also influences lanes through well-timed ganks and map pressure. With so many champions to choose from, it can be difficult to figure out which ones will dominate the jungle in the current meta. So, which jungle champions are the strongest right now?

1. Carry Junglers​

For players who enjoy dealing heavy damage and carrying their team, carry junglers can be a great choice. These champions focus on farming up and dealing massive damage in the mid to late game.

  • Kha'Zix: This stealthy assassin excels at picking off isolated targets with his high burst damage and mobility. He’s a terror for squishy champions.
  • Graves: Graves is a popular choice due to his tanky nature and strong burst damage, making him a solid pick for players looking to stay alive and deal significant damage.
  • Diana: Diana offers an interesting mix of magic damage and survivability. Her AoE abilities and mobility make her a strong force in team fights.

2. Tank Junglers​

If you prefer a more durable playstyle, tank junglers are designed to absorb damage for their team and initiate team fights. These champions prioritize crowd control and survivability over pure damage.

  • Zac: With his incredible engage potential and crowd control abilities, Zac can disrupt the enemy team and keep his allies safe.
  • Sejuani: Sejuani’s ability to engage with her ultimate and lock down enemies with stuns makes her an excellent team fight initiator.
  • Rammus: Rammus is known for his ability to tank damage and taunt enemies, making him a great choice for shutting down enemy carries.

Jungle Strategy and Meta​

Jungle champions vary in strength based on the meta, and it’s crucial to understand which champions are currently strong. Factors like early game presence, objective control, and synergy with the rest of the team play a large role in a jungler’s success.

Who do you think is the best jungle champion? Do you prefer the burst damage of an assassin like Kha'Zix, or do you lean toward the tankiness and crowd control of a champion like Zac? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
The Jungle role in League of Legends is one of the most strategic and game-changing positions. The jungler not only controls objectives like dragons and rift heralds but also influences lanes through well-timed ganks and map pressure. With so many champions to choose from, it can be difficult to figure out which ones will dominate the jungle in the current meta. So, which jungle champions are the strongest right now?

1. Carry Junglers​

For players who enjoy dealing heavy damage and carrying their team, carry junglers can be a great choice. These champions focus on farming up and dealing massive damage in the mid to late game.

  • Kha'Zix: This stealthy assassin excels at picking off isolated targets with his high burst damage and mobility. He’s a terror for squishy champions.
  • Graves: Graves is a popular choice due to his tanky nature and strong burst damage, making him a solid pick for players looking to stay alive and deal significant damage.
  • Diana: Diana offers an interesting mix of magic damage and survivability. Her AoE abilities and mobility make her a strong force in team fights.

2. Tank Junglers​

If you prefer a more durable playstyle, tank junglers are designed to absorb damage for their team and initiate team fights. These champions prioritize crowd control and survivability over pure damage.

  • Zac: With his incredible engage potential and crowd control abilities, Zac can disrupt the enemy team and keep his allies safe.
  • Sejuani: Sejuani’s ability to engage with her ultimate and lock down enemies with stuns makes her an excellent team fight initiator.
  • Rammus: Rammus is known for his ability to tank damage and taunt enemies, making him a great choice for shutting down enemy carries.

Jungle Strategy and Meta​

Jungle champions vary in strength based on the meta, and it’s crucial to understand which champions are currently strong. Factors like early game presence, objective control, and synergy with the rest of the team play a large role in a jungler’s success.

Who do you think is the best jungle champion? Do you prefer the burst damage of an assassin like Kha'Zix, or do you lean toward the tankiness and crowd control of a champion like Zac? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!


asssassin champs like kha/blue kayn, and so , do it for me
I would change graves to kayn imo
ig Kayn, Shaco, Ivern and Amumu ars some good jgls

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