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Samira Guide


Newbie Navigator
Nov 13, 2024
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1. Overview of Samira​

Samira is an aggressive AD Carry with a unique playstyle that blends ranged and melee attacks. She excels at chaining abilities and basic attacks to increase her "Style" grade, up to "S" rank, which allows her to unleash her powerful ultimate, Inferno Trigger. Her kit rewards risk-taking and well-timed plays, making her ideal for players who like flashy, high-damage champions.

2. Abilities​

  • Passive – Daredevil Impulse: Samira's passive is key to her playstyle. She builds her Style grade with each unique attack or ability hit, up to "S" rank. She also has bonus movement speed based on her Style grade. Samira's basic attacks in melee range deal bonus magic damage, scaling with her critical strike chance.
  • Q – Flair: A versatile ability, Flair shoots a skill shot if cast from a distance, and slashes if Samira is in melee range. It can also be used mid-dash to aim at a target while moving, making it a flexible tool for poking or closing the gap.
  • W – Blade Whirl: Samira’s Blade Whirl creates a temporary shield around her that destroys all enemy projectiles. Use this to block critical abilities in team fights or to protect yourself during trades.
  • E – Wild Rush: Samira dashes through a target, damaging and applying lifesteal. It resets if she gets a takedown, making it useful for chaining into Inferno Trigger or escaping after a kill.
  • R – Inferno Trigger: Samira’s ultimate requires her to reach an "S" Style grade. It unleashes a flurry of bullets on all nearby enemies, dealing high damage and applying lifesteal. Positioning is crucial as it can be interrupted by crowd control.

3. Combo Guide​

To maximize Samira’s Style gauge and damage, you’ll need to master her combos:

  • Basic Combo: Auto > Q > Auto > E > Auto > W > Auto > R (once "S" rank is reached)
  • Engage Combo: E > Q (in melee range) > W > Auto > Q (mid-dash) > Auto > R
A good combo chain builds Style while maximizing damage output, ensuring you can unleash Inferno Trigger at "S" rank as often as possible.

4. Build Path​

  • Core Items:
    • Immortal Shieldbow for sustain and survivability in fights.
    • The Collector for execute potential and burst damage.
    • Infinity Edge to boost her critical damage.
  • Situational Items:
    • Guardian Angel if you need extra survivability in team fights.
    • Bloodthirster for more lifesteal and durability.
    • Lord Dominik's Regards if the enemy has high armor.

5. Runes​

  • Precision (Primary Tree)
    • Conqueror: Essential for stacking AD during extended fights.
    • Triumph: Grants healing on takedowns.
    • Legend: Bloodline: Provides lifesteal to help with sustain.
    • Last Stand: Amplifies your damage when at low health.
  • Domination (Secondary Tree)
    • Taste of Blood for extra sustain in the lane.
    • Ravenous Hunter for omnivamp, helping you stay healthy while fighting.

6. Tips & Tricks​

  • Stay Aggressive but Aware: Samira is strongest when she can chain her abilities, so look to fight when you have your team around you and can avoid crowd control.
  • Use W Smartly: Blade Whirl is perfect for blocking crucial enemy abilities, such as hooks or skill shots.
  • Aim for the "S": Your goal is to reach "S" rank with a good Style combo. Get in melee range to increase Style faster with Q and passive slashes.

7. Matchups​

  • Good Against: Champions without hard CC, as they can’t interrupt Inferno Trigger.
  • Struggles Against: High-CC champions like Leona, Alistar, or anyone who can stop your ultimate easily.

1. Overview of Samira​

Samira is an aggressive AD Carry with a unique playstyle that blends ranged and melee attacks. She excels at chaining abilities and basic attacks to increase her "Style" grade, up to "S" rank, which allows her to unleash her powerful ultimate, Inferno Trigger. Her kit rewards risk-taking and well-timed plays, making her ideal for players who like flashy, high-damage champions.

2. Abilities​

  • Passive – Daredevil Impulse: Samira's passive is key to her playstyle. She builds her Style grade with each unique attack or ability hit, up to "S" rank. She also has bonus movement speed based on her Style grade. Samira's basic attacks in melee range deal bonus magic damage, scaling with her critical strike chance.
  • Q – Flair: A versatile ability, Flair shoots a skill shot if cast from a distance, and slashes if Samira is in melee range. It can also be used mid-dash to aim at a target while moving, making it a flexible tool for poking or closing the gap.
  • W – Blade Whirl: Samira’s Blade Whirl creates a temporary shield around her that destroys all enemy projectiles. Use this to block critical abilities in team fights or to protect yourself during trades.
  • E – Wild Rush: Samira dashes through a target, damaging and applying lifesteal. It resets if she gets a takedown, making it useful for chaining into Inferno Trigger or escaping after a kill.
  • R – Inferno Trigger: Samira’s ultimate requires her to reach an "S" Style grade. It unleashes a flurry of bullets on all nearby enemies, dealing high damage and applying lifesteal. Positioning is crucial as it can be interrupted by crowd control.

3. Combo Guide​

To maximize Samira’s Style gauge and damage, you’ll need to master her combos:

  • Basic Combo: Auto > Q > Auto > E > Auto > W > Auto > R (once "S" rank is reached)
  • Engage Combo: E > Q (in melee range) > W > Auto > Q (mid-dash) > Auto > R
A good combo chain builds Style while maximizing damage output, ensuring you can unleash Inferno Trigger at "S" rank as often as possible.

4. Build Path​

  • Core Items:
    • Immortal Shieldbow for sustain and survivability in fights.
    • The Collector for execute potential and burst damage.
    • Infinity Edge to boost her critical damage.
  • Situational Items:
    • Guardian Angel if you need extra survivability in team fights.
    • Bloodthirster for more lifesteal and durability.
    • Lord Dominik's Regards if the enemy has high armor.

5. Runes​

  • Precision(Primary Tree)
    • Conqueror: Essential for stacking AD during extended fights.
    • Triumph: Grants healing on takedowns.
    • Legend: Bloodline: Provides lifesteal to help with sustain.
    • Last Stand: Amplifies your damage when at low health.
  • Domination(Secondary Tree)
    • Taste of Blood for extra sustain in the lane.
    • Ravenous Hunter for omnivamp, helping you stay healthy while fighting.

6. Tips & Tricks​

  • Stay Aggressive but Aware: Samira is strongest when she can chain her abilities, so look to fight when you have your team around you and can avoid crowd control.
  • Use W Smartly: Blade Whirl is perfect for blocking crucial enemy abilities, such as hooks or skill shots.
  • Aim for the "S": Your goal is to reach "S" rank with a good Style combo. Get in melee range to increase Style faster with Q and passive slashes.

7. Matchups​

  • Good Against: Champions without hard CC, as they can’t interrupt Inferno Trigger.
  • Struggles Against: High-CC champions like Leona, Alistar, or anyone who can stop your ultimate easily.
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