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Tutorial for early player on yasuo


Newbie Navigator
Nov 25, 2024
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Introduction to Yasuo​

Yasuo is an iconic champion in League of Legends, beloved for his high mobility and damage potential. However, he is also a champion that requires a deep understanding of the game mechanics to maximize his effectiveness. As an assassin/mobility champion, Yasuo thrives on agility, evading attacks, and dealing devastating damage through his abilities. His passive, Way of the Wanderer, gives him an increased critical strike chance, and his gameplay revolves around managing his Wind Wall to block enemy projectiles, as well as using his Steel Tempest to control crowds and initiate combos. When played correctly, Yasuo can dominate late-game teamfights, but he requires precise timing and positioning to do so effectively.

Yasuo's Combos​

Yasuo’s combos are centered around a smooth combination of his abilities. The most common combo is Steel Tempest (Q) followed by Last Breath (R). Here's a typical sequence: start by using Steel Tempest to unleash a wind blast that knocks up enemies into the air. Once your target is airborne, quickly follow up with Last Breath to deal significant area damage to all nearby enemies. If you're paired with a teammate who has crowd control abilities (such as an Annie stun or Leona engage), this combo can become even more devastating, as you ensure your target is knocked up and in range of your ultimate. Additionally, always use Wind Wall (E) to block enemy projectiles while repositioning yourself during fights. Finally, Yasuo’s passive, Way of the Wanderer, increases his critical strike chance, so be sure to take advantage of that by landing auto-attacks immediately after using your abilities to maximize your damage output.

Build and Runes​

To play Yasuo effectively, selecting the right build and runes is crucial. Key items for Yasuo generally include those that enhance his critical strike, attack damage, and penetration. You'll typically start with Infinity Edge for massive critical damage and Zeal to boost your crit chance. Afterward, Phantom Dancer is a common item, offering attack speed and increased mobility. Another essential item is The Black Cleaver, providing armor penetration and extra damage, as well as attack speed. In terms of runes, Conqueror is the primary keystone because it allows Yasuo to heal and stack damage during extended fights. Triumph is also a good pick for healing after eliminations, and Legend: Alacrity will give you bonus attack speed. Coup de Grace can be useful for increasing your damage to low-health enemies. For secondary runes, you may opt for Attack Speed and either Magical Footwear or Biscuit Delivery for early game sustain. Always adjust your build and rune choices depending on the match's specific needs, especially if you're facing heavy crowd control or tanky opponents.

Introduction to Yasuo​

Yasuo is an iconic champion in League of Legends, beloved for his high mobility and damage potential. However, he is also a champion that requires a deep understanding of the game mechanics to maximize his effectiveness. As an assassin/mobility champion, Yasuo thrives on agility, evading attacks, and dealing devastating damage through his abilities. His passive, Way of the Wanderer, gives him an increased critical strike chance, and his gameplay revolves around managing his Wind Wall to block enemy projectiles, as well as using his Steel Tempest to control crowds and initiate combos. When played correctly, Yasuo can dominate late-game teamfights, but he requires precise timing and positioning to do so effectively.

Yasuo's Combos​

Yasuo’s combos are centered around a smooth combination of his abilities. The most common combo is Steel Tempest (Q) followed by Last Breath (R). Here's a typical sequence: start by using Steel Tempest to unleash a wind blast that knocks up enemies into the air. Once your target is airborne, quickly follow up with Last Breath to deal significant area damage to all nearby enemies. If you're paired with a teammate who has crowd control abilities (such as an Annie stun or Leona engage), this combo can become even more devastating, as you ensure your target is knocked up and in range of your ultimate. Additionally, always use Wind Wall (E) to block enemy projectiles while repositioning yourself during fights. Finally, Yasuo’s passive, Way of the Wanderer, increases his critical strike chance, so be sure to take advantage of that by landing auto-attacks immediately after using your abilities to maximize your damage output.

Build and Runes​

To play Yasuo effectively, selecting the right build and runes is crucial. Key items for Yasuo generally include those that enhance his critical strike, attack damage, and penetration. You'll typically start with Infinity Edge for massive critical damage and Zeal to boost your crit chance. Afterward, Phantom Dancer is a common item, offering attack speed and increased mobility. Another essential item is The Black Cleaver, providing armor penetration and extra damage, as well as attack speed. In terms of runes, Conqueror is the primary keystone because it allows Yasuo to heal and stack damage during extended fights. Triumph is also a good pick for healing after eliminations, and Legend: Alacrity will give you bonus attack speed. Coup de Grace can be useful for increasing your damage to low-health enemies. For secondary runes, you may opt for Attack Speed and either Magical Footwear or Biscuit Delivery for early game sustain. Always adjust your build and rune choices depending on the match's specific needs, especially if you're facing heavy crowd control or tanky opponents.
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