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Short Guide on Laning in League of Legends


Newbie Navigator
Nov 3, 2024
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Without further ado, here’s a mini-guide to laning in League of Legends for newer players. Laning is arguably one of the most crucial parts of any game, so focusing on small micro-strategies can make a big difference in your experience.

  1. Study Your Matchup Before Loading In: Knowing who you’re up against can reveal their strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to adjust your playstyle accordingly.
  2. Positioning: Position yourself in a way that allows you to farm minions safely while avoiding enemy skill shots as much as possible. Aim to place yourself in a spot that makes you a less ideal target while still giving you control over the wave.
  3. Wave Management: Mastering wave control—like freezing, slow-pushing, and shoving—puts you in charge of the lane. Freezing near your turret allows for safer farming, while a slow push can set you up to apply pressure for objectives or roaming.
  4. Place Wards in the River and Jungle Entrances: Vision is vital during laning. Placing wards in the river and jungle entrances helps you avoid surprising ganks, allowing you to play more aggressively when it’s safe.
  5. Trading: Time your trades when the enemy goes for last hits or when you have a minion advantage. This helps you win trades and keeps pressure in the lane.

Last-hitting in League of Legends requires practice and patience, and consistently hitting 8-10 CS (Creep Score) per minute can make a huge difference in your game. Here are a few key tips:

Practice Last-Hitting in Practice Tool: Spend time focusing solely on last-hitting minions without using any items or abilities. As you become more proficient, getting a high CS score becomes easier.

Wave Management: Effective wave control allows you to farm more minions over time. By mastering this skill, you can create better farming opportunities and avoid falling behind in gold.

Avoid Unnecessary Fights: Only engage in fights when necessary. Otherwise, prioritize farming and avoid skirmishes that could lead to missed minion waves.

Positioning: Always place yourself in the right spot to catch incoming waves. Keeping an eye on the minimap helps you anticipate where you need to be next.

Adapt to the Game: Sometimes achieving perfect CS isn’t realistic due to enemy pressure. Know when to play it safe and avoid dying, as staying alive is crucial to maintaining a high CS.
Without further ado, here’s a mini-guide to laning in League of Legends for newer players. Laning is arguably one of the most crucial parts of any game, so focusing on small micro-strategies can make a big difference in your experience.

  1. Study Your Matchup Before Loading In: Knowing who you’re up against can reveal their strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to adjust your playstyle accordingly.
  2. Positioning: Position yourself in a way that allows you to farm minions safely while avoiding enemy skill shots as much as possible. Aim to place yourself in a spot that makes you a less ideal target while still giving you control over the wave.
  3. Wave Management: Mastering wave control—like freezing, slow-pushing, and shoving—puts you in charge of the lane. Freezing near your turret allows for safer farming, while a slow push can set you up to apply pressure for objectives or roaming.
  4. Place Wards in the River and Jungle Entrances: Vision is vital during laning. Placing wards in the river and jungle entrances helps you avoid surprising ganks, allowing you to play more aggressively when it’s safe.
  5. Trading: Time your trades when the enemy goes for last hits or when you have a minion advantage. This helps you win trades and keeps pressure in the lane.

Last-hitting in League of Legends requires practice and patience, and consistently hitting 8-10 CS (Creep Score) per minute can make a huge difference in your game. Here are a few key tips:

Practice Last-Hitting in Practice Tool: Spend time focusing solely on last-hitting minions without using any items or abilities. As you become more proficient, getting a high CS score becomes easier.

Wave Management: Effective wave control allows you to farm more minions over time. By mastering this skill, you can create better farming opportunities and avoid falling behind in gold.

Avoid Unnecessary Fights: Only engage in fights when necessary. Otherwise, prioritize farming and avoid skirmishes that could lead to missed minion waves.

Positioning: Always place yourself in the right spot to catch incoming waves. Keeping an eye on the minimap helps you anticipate where you need to be next.

Adapt to the Game: Sometimes achieving perfect CS isn’t realistic due to enemy pressure. Know when to play it safe and avoid dying, as staying alive is crucial to maintaining a high CS.
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